How to Use Sequre ODESC 3.6 to contrl 6374 BLDC Motor


Sequre ODESC 3.6 Dual Drive contrl 6374 BLDC Motor Steps:

1.USB connection with PC , Raspberry PieRos , etc , for programming control

2 phase bldc motor driver circuit
2.DC power input interface

24v bldc motor controller
3.Connect the M1 motor cable

24v brushless motor controller
4.Connect power resistor

24v motor driver
5.Connect MO motor wire

24v stepper motor driver
6.Mo , & M1 encoder position , connect MO. M1 . Corresponding to the Hall Line

3 phase bldc motor controller
7.MO Hall wire connection

3 phase bldc motor driver
8.M1 Hall wire connection

3 phase brushless dc motor
9.RC receiver connected to ODESC

3 phase brushless dc motor driver circuit
10.USB connection PC end Setting Control ODESC

3 phase brushless motor controller
11.Calibration detection M1 Hall sensor

3 phase dc motor controller
12.Cut off the PC and turn on the RC remote control to match the receiver. Use the RC remote control to control the motor stably.

3 phase stepper motor driver

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